Sunday, May 31, 2015

8:44 - 9:30 Skate Coopers (46 mins)

E spot was putting up tents for some more soccer maddness. So we went to Coopers. I like skating there and trying my noseslides - and imagining the next things I will try.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Saturday 8:41 - 9:28 Skate E Spot (49mins)

  • 10 lengths of ollies 
  • "" 180's, push fakie, pivot back 
  • "" manuals
  • "" fakie ollies
  • Wall kick flips 
I skipped shuv-its today. We didn't get a second session because of a soccer game.

Saturday 1-2:30 Ballet - Nicola

Cierra was at the front desk again. She has two semesters left of nursing school and then her practicum.

Moe that she found my black shoe - but it was a jazz shoe. Nice try though!!

Ballet was mostly the same class as last week. My left hip is REALLY SORE!!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Friday 4:52 - 5:42 Skate E Spot (50 mins)

  • Come get Me - not allowed to play this anymore - I have to be better. 
  • 10 lengths ollies
  • 10 lengths 180's, fakie push, pivot
  • 10 lengths shuv-its
  • 10 lengths manuals
  • wall kick flips
 I should add in fakie ollies. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Thursday 6 - 7:12am Bikram Cambie - Tierny

I like the clock in the class. I was able to do two more postures than my usual short days because I could see the time and also because Tierny doesn't make you hold everything as long as Mari.

My left hip is a bit achey so I only did one set of triangle and then had a rest. I did everything else. I liked this temperature today.

Wednesday 4:12 - 4:56 Skate E Spot (44 mins)

I am changed things up today. I started with Come get Me. Then, while the boy and Jonny were skating - the boy was pushing and putting his back foot up as Jonny held his hand - so cute! ... I did ollies over the lines ten back and forths then I did 180's, shuv-its, manuals, and then I tried some wall kick flips but I wasn't feeling them. Oh... with the 180's I was doing a frontside then I would pivot backside to go back to normal pushing. I think I was pushing fakie a couple of times and then pivoting back to normal. All was slow and lame except for my ollies.

I am looking forward to good weekend skates.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tuesday 6-7:15 am Bikram Cambie - Mari

I was startled awake this morning by my alarm and sleepy eyed all the way to yoga. I had a nice start but I tired by the soine strengthening.

There is a clock in the yoga room now.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Monday 1:30 - 2:30 Hip Hop - JP

Yay! I finally got to take a JP class again. It seems like it has been years - it probably has been 2.5 years! haha- anywho - I was so sweaty by this point but I changed a layer and kept going. I hadn't eaten since breakfast and felt the hunger hit me about 2:10 - and I started to fade. I pulled myself together while struggling over whether or not to take a bite of my sandwich - instead gulping the last of my water - then struggling over whether or not to go fill up my bottle - but only five minutes left.

The choreo was JP style - with lots of traveling. He challenged the class to add their own style and own ideas - in other words to challenge yourself - don't just learn the choreo - that is what will make you stand out. I just wanted the choreo to get in my head - I want to take this class more  - maybe in July.

I really liked today - but I am pooped now!!! Best ProD ever! Thanks Jonny!!

Monday 12 - 1:30 - Contemporary Jazz - ??

I didn't catch the sub teacher's name. She had cute blonde piggy french braids and was nice. We did a nice warm-up and then ATF.
  • lay on back and lead with far arm across shoulder and make it turn you over - keep feet attached to ground so you kind of have to lace them through one another - then to get back you lead with your hips and flop back - and keep going. Relax your feet! 
  • half moon towards the direction you were going and then roll onto knees in ball and back to flat. 
  • Sit on knees - open right knee on pointed toe and lean back while rolling down the front of the leg bring together and do the other leg - you will be facing the back for the other leg. All the way across - I couldn't do this one with my right knee - I tried a couple but it bonked it. 
  • move any way you want
  • move any way you want in 16, 12, 8, and 6 counts to get across. 
Choreo: I didn't know the song or Shazam it. It had one shoulder roll to knee part - upside down that I changed because I couldn't put pressure on that right knee.  I made a different move for my old knees. It had a fun jete alonce part and then pique, pique, lame duck, fouette, fouette, attitude pirouette ending - fun!

Keli and Caitlin took class with me :-)

Monday 11 - 12 Jazz Funk - Julio

SSDTA private class in the ballroom - it was a fun Brittney DANCE choreo. 

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sunday 3:02 - 3:31 Skate E Spot (29 mins)

We squished in a quick skate before swimming. There was a young foreign skater at our spot. He didn't speak much English and the boy was intrigued with him.

Ollies, 180's, line one, wall kick flips, and come get me. Good quick skate.

The boy had an awesome swim. We brought the blue floatie and goggles. He didn't look underwater with the goggles - maybe good in a month. Blue floatie rocks. The boy kicked and kicked and kicked!

Saturday 5:15 - 6:56 Skate E Spot (41 mins)

The boy had a great soate today. He skated the whole time and didn't want to leave. He has started this cute thing where he collects Jonny's board and returns it to him. He is very helpful. 

We played Come get Me and then we worked on our ollies. I did some 180's. I think that's all I did yesterday. We had just watched Chappie so I was full of excited Yolandi energy. 

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Saturday 1 - 2:30 Ballet - Nicola

I missed two weeks but I am back - that was fun. I wore a light blue tank top today and that just showed the sweat too much. I should stick to black.

Anywho - I want to keep going to ballet. I can feel myself getting stronger. I look forward to my super dance day on Monday and then ballet again next Saturday.

I would like to work on my lower back arch - to get the leg up, up, up at the back. That is something that I never had so I don't know if I can get it now at my age - but it is my new goal. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday 6 - 7:11am Bikram Cambie - Roxana

Ugh - I was dead after this class. The heat is working really good now - too good. I started strong and melted through the spine strengthening. I missed on set of triangle and one set of balancing stick - I think.

I was thinking about dance teams and classes next year and how I might want to reorganize them for the next course selections. I was thinking of opening up the boys' class to girls that I want to bgirl. But, they could also join the break team. I would like to have a contemporary class too - but I might start with a team this year. I want to reteach Geek USA and have a whole year to make it better and manipulate it - and work on technique. Two students asked me yesterday if there was going to be a grade 12 class and I said that would depend on the numbers - if you could get a bunch of grade 12's to sign up we could. Anywho - that is where my thoughts were wandering to before my brain melted.

When I got to school I had to change all my clothes cause I was still sweating in the car - even after I showered... and my stomach was REALLY upset. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Thursday 6 - 7:30am Bikram Cambie - Mari

The heat wasn't fully working today. Mari kept trying to make it work but it was just comfortable in there. I didn't mind. I did notice that the 10am class was cancelled today for maintenance so it will probably be back to hot tomorrow.

I had a good class.

I tried doing camel today but didn't going all the way back. I rolled my face cloth and put it under my right knee.

My left hip is better than it was but I can still feel it.

My right lower back is better but I can still feel a crunchy part in there as well.

My left thumb is still weak and sore.

The rest of me is good though!!

I thought about the boy's car activity center I am going to make for him in July. Instead of a side hanging thing over the window it has morphed in my mind to a lap table with saddle bags. I also see reversible - one side for colouring and the other for magnets or felt people ... or some other activity. The sides of the table will have little zip up or velcro or maybe all different to practice opening things pouches. When the table flips over there will be pouches on both sides for both activities. AND.. I was hoping it would roll up or turn into a bag or backpack to be carried in and out of the car for hotel play time - or whatever.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Wednesday 4:29 - 5:08 Skate E Spot

It is another beautiful sunny and hot day. I was pretty tired and didn't really get into my skate - I should have just forced myself because I won't get one tomorrow and it looks like it is going to rain this weekend.

Wednesday 6 - 7:15am Bikram Cambie - Mari

I had a good class today.

My left thumb (the one I broke in grade 5) is still sore from a couple of weeks ago. I hurt it breakdancing with the boys' class. It is still stiff and sore in the main knuckle. It doesn't like to have pressure applied to it - so I find myself avoiding using it and using my fingers to balance in certain postures.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tuesday 4:40 - 5:10 Skate E Spot (30 mins)

I played Come get Me with the boy. I pushed switch while I chased him to try and get more comfortable.

I worked on line one a bit once the boy lost interest in our game. Jonny lost his some shoe foam and needs his new shoes - so he took a break and took some pics of me.

It was super sunny and warm today. Summer is here!!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Monday 7km Run 40:22mins

Seaside beach run with Carrie! This is my first run in a really long time. We ran to the right to the river and then back to the cove and home. I was worried I might have lost endurance and wouldn't be able to run but I had a good run. I love running on the beach and with Carrie - perfect morning!

Sunday 10 - 11ish Surf Indian Beach

Another surf day with Carrie.

We stayed in the white wash again. We each caught twenty "waves." The current was strong and the waves were about five foot in the back - it looked fun but scary.

I really like this beach. I am going to try and surf it more. The scenery is so beautiful.

Saturday 9:30 - 10:30ish Surf Indian Beach

Birthday cold surf with Carrie!!

I will write more later - maybe - tired!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Thursday 6 - 7:10am Bikram Cambie - Sunshine

SO, I was really scared to go to this class because the last time I went to Sunshine's class it was so hot I thought I was going to die. Today, however, was the best class I have had in a while. She didn't cook me, she opened the door and used the fans when necessary and I was able to push myself and work hard on my postures because of it.

Great class - thank-you Sunshine!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wednesday 6 - 7:11am Bikram Cambie - Roxana

I had a pretty good class today. I started to melt during the spine strengthening. I missed Carrie this morning. It was fun driving with her to school yesterday. Makes me dream about starting a dance program in Richmond. I will have to look into that.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tuesday 3:54 - 4:37 Skate E Spot

I started with line one. Then the boy and I played. Then I did ollies and manuals. I want to re-add manuals to my list and get them good.

Tuesday 6 - 7:10am Bikram Cambie - Mari

I left in the middle of the spine strengthening because I was picking up Carrie today and dropping her off at work. I wanted to be out of the studio by 7:10 and in the car by 7:20 and it worked out perfectly. With some teachers I could get the whole spine section in but Mari goes slower. I can't believe I guessed 7:10 right on.

I had a pretty good class. The class wasn't that full - probably because there is a 7:45 class today. I stood right by the door and needed it during some parts. That is my spot - no courage to stand anywhere else yet.

Monday 4:26 - 5:18 Skate E Spot

I didn't go that hard today. Jonny was super tired but pushed a whole hour. The boy was pretty bad at the start but then he got into it. (After he stopped running after dad and standing really close to him - then dad would skate away and he would run and chase daddy crying, "Daddy!!" and stand super close to him once he stopped.)

I got to play Come get Me! He likes his board to be lined up right in front of mine so they touch before we start. Then he races away in his tripod style and I chase him. When I get him he gets kisses and tickles. I think we both like this game a lot.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Saturday 10:20 - 11:06 Skate E Spot (46 mins)

Well, I forgot my skateboard at home and didn't realize until we got to the spot. Jonny skated all the way home and got it for me.

The boy skated and we played, Come get ME!! And I made tunnels with my legs while we waited for daddy. The boy was really hot - so water and boo time when it was daddy and I's time to skate.

It was hooooottttt!! SUMMER!

We went back for an after nap skate but there was a soccer game - so we went to the beach and played in the sand.

Friday 4:36 - 5:23 Skate E Spot (47 mins)

Sunny after school good times.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Friday 6 - 7:30am Bikram Cambie - Roxana

I had a great class today. I woke up at 5 and got out of bed at 5:20. I was at yoga really early and I laid on my mat and rested. I got a spot right by the door just like Wednesday. I am going to stay by that door as much as I can. There is nothing like the door being opened and the cool air sticking to the sweaty, wet yoga clothes. Who would have thought a damp cold feeling would ever be nice? But man, is it ever nice.

The little guy with the man bun is back. I didn't realize he was gone until he was back. I wonder if he went away or did something cool? He wasn't having a good class. He must have been away a while.

Sushi Friday!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Wednesday 6 - 7:30am Bikram Cambie - Mari

YAY!! I had an ok class. I didn't miss anything (except camel because of right bursa) but I didn't hold everything to the end - but I had an ok class. There is no need to be afraid. I did it. My theory was correct - PMS makes me hotter and makes yoga suck. I wonder what menopause will do to hot yoga?

Monday, May 4, 2015

Monday 6 - 7:30am Bikram Cambie - Sunshine

I had the WORST class today. I never want to go back. It was so hot. I kept thinking, "Open the door." (In the boy's little voice and accent.) It was toooooo hot. 

It was horrific and I really am not looking forward to Wednesday. 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Saturday 1 - 2:30 Ballet - Wen Wei

Izabella was the pianist today. Her hair has gone white and she is soft and old. I said thank-you to her at the end but I don't think she remembers me from SFU and Harbour back in the day. I was happy to hear her play again.

It was so nice to take Wen Wei's class. It was small but not too small. He spoke in images and made nice flowy exercises. He wants you to dance and not feel stiff after the barre.

I didn't feel like going but again... I am always glad that I went once I get there. Sometimes, I just feel lazy.

Saturday 9:37 - 10:21 & 4:38 - 5:14 Skate E Spot (1H 24)

Ollies, 180's over the cracks, fakie ollies and shuv-its. Everything was really slow and gay. Wish I could skate like Jonny.

Ollies, 180's over the cracks, line one.
Come get me - a little bit with the boy.

Friday 4:18 - 5:05 Skate E Spot (47mins)

I didn't have a very productive skate.
"Mommy did it game."

Friday, May 1, 2015

Friday 6-7:30am Bikram Cambie - Roxana

I had a good class up until the spine strengthening again. I melted on the floor and dreamed of the class being over.