Wednesday, December 23, 2009

9:30am Hot with Danny - Crunchy upper back morning class!!!!

Wow - the thing about yesterday morning was I forgot how much I hated morning classes - this morning I knew.. but I forced myself to go.. and it was painful! I sucked and I think I made myself suck worse cause I kept thinking about how awful it was. I told myself not to.. but that is all I thought about how awful and unflexible I was... anywho - I made it through. I wonder if it is cause I am old now.. was I always this crunchy in the mornings? I also thought about how I have to dance today.. and I was hoping the teacher will bail so I can just be lazy!!!! I just feel lazy... oh well!!! I am done that class.. and the next one won't be so hard.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

9:30am hot with Patricia

Whoa!!! I forgot how crunchy I am at yoga first thing in the morning. I'm going to try again tomorrow morning - same time - danny's class. I'm going to stretch before the class starts.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

2pm Hot Yoga - Frank Hurt Field Trip - Bikrams Yoga Delta

Wow!! That was fun. It is an awesome studio with lots of showers and space to chill before and after. Mak - was our teacher. He was good with the kids and funny. Kaela's mom Dawn did awesome - all of the kids did awesome.. all 18 of them! IT was a great day! Oh ya - the buses didn't show up... :(

Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday 6pm Jazz - I HAVE TO GO!! TOXIC Cover... FUN!!!

I am waiting for dance team to be over so I can go home.. and go to dance. I am tired today and I feel lazy but I am going to go to dance. I am going to do everything on my list this week. I have lazed out for too long and it is time to break the habit and earn my lazy time.. it is just 1.5 hours.. and once you are there you are having fun.. remember last week??? I have to stop and get gas.. so I am going to get a Dr. Pepper.. and that will give me a sugar rush.. and I will make it no problem!!

K.. I will let you know how it goes!

I went - and I had fun. Moe and Amy just got back from Mexico!! Jelly!! We did across the floor - switch splits... diagonally - two times each way... and I wacked my left hip flexor.. but did it again.. and wacked it again.. I have to say my switch splits were the best ever though.. for me.. but I have ice right now and I am kinda scared to feel em in the morning!! Fingers crossed it is one of those quick fixing injuries!! I still did the dance all good.. but I won't be doing switch splits for a bit..

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tuesday 4pm Hot Yoges with KATHERINE!!

I had a super good class today. The girl whose name I can't remember - or never heard - was in class. The guy who paints his toe nails and moves around a lot - his toes are green today. A super hot guy that is there once in a while. The lady who has the body of a girl and used to take my spot - I moved and made a new spot and I never go near her spot now. That Asian guy who wears his shirt the whole time was beside me. There was also the bald man with the sweat band who sweats even more than I do.

It was a nice class. Katherine talked about her Lulu lemon party again - it is tonight- too bad it is West 4th... I woulda walked there if it was the Robson one. I will have to but the Runner's World Magazine or at least check it out at sevo.

Katherine said that her intention for her yoga classes this month is giving. She thinks of someone that she loves and she gives them love during her practice. Kinda gay.. but I might give it a quick shot... there are a few people I love... hahaha.. one is reading this!!

OK.. going to dinner now!! LATER!!! Wait.. I need a picture...

Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday 6pm Jazz with Kevin Tookey - James Morrison - Better Man

Wow - this was a great class. I was debating whether to go to yoga instead but I am sure glad I chose dance. Kevin taught us at Groove Street this year too - he was the one who talked about plyometrics.

Anywho his warm up was cool. We started laying on the floor. We swayed back and forth and then knee to side squish then roll over around and back down and repeat. We swayed side to side and stretched back and forward. We did some sun salutations. We did pushups: 4 fast side plank repeat 2 in 4 side plank repeat other side then 1 in 8 counts side plank repeat... ow!!!

We did one big, long across the floor that was really fun!! Let's see if I can remember it: plie in second chaine 2 3 plie turn the other direction 5 6 7 8 extend left leg facing back pitched attitude to ground and roll back up facing back going back the way you came soutenu plie soutenu plie chaine turning jete bent back leg russian pas de chat weird old school hip turn pas de bourre behind turning to FREE Jump... YA!! FUN.. we only had time to do the right side. I should practice that one in my studio!!

Then we did the combo - A Better Man by James Morrison - slow 3/ 4 counting in 6s. I am downloading the music and I will try it out tomorrow in my spare!!

K... Shower and bedtime!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thursday 6pm Hot with Christine

I am going to set an intention for tonight's class and write about it later.
Hmmm.. I am going to make this fun.. I am going to google search yoga intentions... hahaha.. WOW - I didn't know there were things more important than just holding the bow the whole time or not drinking any water during class.. or getting rid of the fuzz~!!

Here is my intention for today:

Yoga Lesson: Non-Violence
Ahimsa is the yogic practice of non-violence, which includes physical, mental, and emotional violence towards others and ourselves. Viewed in this broad context, ahimsa can be a challenging and overwhelming practice to take on, as we humans seem to have a knack for creating judgment, criticism, anger or irritation. Fortunately we can easily apply the concept of ahimsa on our yoga mats by practicing mindfulness and compassion towards ourselves

I guess - for me I can take this as... not judging the person in class who makes noise or leaves the room - just let it go. AND.. for me personally to be happy with my body. This will be a hard one for me to try.. what is the word again... AHIMSA.. GOT IT!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday 6pm Flow with Katherine

I thought I would try something new with this class - and that is to write about it before I went. I am having dinner with Cyrstal after so I won't have time to write it right after - then I will forget stuff. I have been forgetting a lot of stuff that I want to write when I get home anywyas - again - I will be first in line for sport brain downloaders and it will be how I write my first novel.

I also found a really cheesey picture!! HAHHAHAA! Check those teachers out!! HAHAHA!! Awesome!! It is like a bboy pose with yoga!!

Anywho - I hope we get to do tripod handstands tonight. I am not looking forward to ohming or chanting. I just am going to do my best... and I am going to put my mat on the opposite side that I usually stand on. Hmm.. what else... I am going to try not to think about being fat.. and I will say hi to someone new tonight! THERE!! SET IN STONE!


OK - really later - it is now Thursday at school in my spare. I am going to go and do some handstands to crow on the mat. But let me tell ya - my plan did not work yesterday and there are some things I want to say about what happened in class.

I walked in and my side was empty of mats and the other side was full - so I went to my normal spot. I thought about being fat the whole time which did help me to suck my stomach in but it sucks - why am I so fat? I didn't say hi to anyone new tonight - just the usual suspects.

At the begining of class we had a circle and shared things. Well, really only one girl and the teacher shared things. The one girl had just become a yoga a teacher - cool.. and Katherine invited us all to a lulu lemon party - cool. We did go around and say our names which woulda been a good time to have good hearing cause I would like to know some people's names - but still don't know names..

It was a great class. I can feel my hip flexors and core today. we did tripod handstands and crow and tried to do them to crow. We also did side crow.. which I can do a little better on the side I couldn't do at all last time. Sometimes I am just too sweaty and slippery!! I wear pants purposefully to this class to give me some grip!

Fun class.. It is my favourite minus the ohming.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tuesday 4pm Hot with Katherine

I think I am going to sit in a new spot at yoga tomorrow. It is time to try out new spaces. I have found a new favourite spot at the front right - but tomorrow.. I will move somewhere new.

I cheated a little bit in class today - I need to get rid of the fuz - especially the fix my yoga pants over my fat belly fuz! No fidgeting!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thursday 6pm Hot with Christine

I had another great class today. I worked hard and I felt good. I didn't get any corrections but I remembered one I got yesterday from Katherine - damn.. now I forgot.. I will remember when I do it in class again. The girl with the bendy back was beside me. She is so bendy!!! Tall Tattoo girl was there too.. and front desk girl.

Good night!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wednesday, 4pm Hot with Katherine - Don't forget your shorts!!! Run run!!

Today is senior formal and there was not senior hip hop practice because the girls wanted to go home and get ready. They actually got up and came at 7am.. so that is cool. AND..I got to leave right after school and take the 4pm hot. I am still sweating... my face is red red red! I raced there - started getting changed - realized I didn't have my shorts - raced home and back and made it just in time. I was dripping sweat as soon as I laid down on my towel. I had a really good class. I was focused and I tried really hard. We had a strong front row - except for the dude beside me.. who has been the dude beside me the last three classes I have taken. I am not sure if he is gay but he has pink toe nails... and he coughs and wipes his nose on his towel and then wipes his face with it. EWW!! I was thinking about going to hip hop but I am hungry and pooped... I did enough for today! Tomorrow I am going to do hot and yin... today.. groceries and eat!!! LATER!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday 6pm Flow with Katherine

This one is tripod head stand - so fun!! Katherine went up and brought her knees to one elbow and then to the other and then lifted her head up!! So cool!!

This is side crow... we did this on both sides but with knees bent.. I really like this one but can't hold it! I am going to try this one at school. It is like a baby freeze but harder!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday 5:30 Street Jazz - Taylor (Jo sick)

This one was hard for me - so much gayness... it was fun.. but I need to work on my FACE - give me face??? Hahaha... It was .. I don't know.. some gay song.. lady gaga or .. tina tequila.. or I don't know. I felt like I was just not cool in this class.. like everyone was cooler than me! Like.. I wasn't cool enough to fit in. Is that what grown ups feel like around young too cool young adults??? Maybe I am growing up more. Now that is GAY!! hahahaha!! Ok.. fun class. He is a funny teacher - and that is all I have to say!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday 6pm Jazz with Moe! Choreo class - 14 8's!!! Pooped!

I puked in my mouth and swallowed it right before we did it in two groups. Yuck! I still remember the first time I did that in Brownies, playing line tag, waiting for the meeting to start.

Anywho - the topic at hand is dance class and it was awesome. It is a rainy, gross day - but I made it and I am glad I did. My problem is - I got all the choreo and I was feeling it.. but as soon as we break up into groups and I am standing in a little bit of a different spot - I screw up! Why is that? I need to stand other places.. but I like my spot!!!

This was a fun, twangy routine. WE learned 14 8's - that is a lot!! I am getting better at picking up choreo - but some of those kids can move - I gotta get that!!! I have to break free - even more so - from the ballerina mold!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday 3:30 1 hour hot with Leo / 5 Flow / Meditation with Theresa

Wow - I yogied out this weekend. I feel great. Let's start with Leo's class. He doesn't let me cheat and he made me count the V up things - which made me do them all. That was pretty fun! I like attention. It was a good class. My quads were sore so the warrior section was the hardest for me.

Theresa's flow class - this is the first time I have ever taken her flow class. I liked it. It was clear and easy to follow. We got to lay in savasana at the end and she came around to everyone and didn't a mini aromatherapy massage to our head - mmmm.. I miss Bali and cheap massages... why didn't I get more? I only had two last summer - cause they take time away from surfing and drinking beer!! hahaha!!

I stayed for her meditation. I can't sit still for that long and it was hard for me to hear what she was talking about. I know she was talking about divine light because she said that over and over. I don't think I am a meditater. I will try again maybe.. when I am older.. and more calm. I should have left and got my tan... but that gives me something to look forward to in the week.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saturday 3:30 PL1HH and 5:00 Yin - Patricia!!! YAY!!

What a great Saturday. I feel good now. I raced to the 3:30 yoga - I thought it started at 4 and when I double checked it was 3:25. I ran quick and made it just in the nick! Tall tattoo girl was there - we had a nice little chat in between classes.

I haven't been to a Yin in a while. I was crunchy. My double pigeon sucks even worse. I need dad to finish that wheel of fun!

The stiff and awkward one arm tattoo guy who was there at 7am was also there at the 3:30 hot. He was going to a big party after that - maybe he is doing the 30 day challenge and he won't want to come tomorrow.. that is what I would do. I miss getting stickers.

I ate super good dinner when I came home!! YAY!! I am awesome!! I can totally be healthy!

Saturday 8am Hot with Christine

I woke up with an annoying cough :(

Anywho - I had a great class today. My arms were sore from surfing Wednesday and Thursday so I sat out of the second triangle. Other than that - I did everything. I was really crunchy both because it was morning class and I slept a lot last night. It was also just hot - not killer hot in the class - which I like once in a while - especially when I am coughing!

One of the regular ladies talked to me in the change room - she was complaining about it not being hot enough. She says that is the way Christine likes it. I was thinking I should complain about her disrespecting the teacher and leaving before the namaste. What, you can't lay on your mat for 15 extra seconds? Whatever. Let it go! I have to say though - I don't like that lady - but I guess I shouldn't judge... right?

I downloaded a new application yesterday - LoseIt. I will play with it for a while and see how it goes - but if it makes me go crazy... er.. then I will delete it. It is pretty cool though because it tells you how many calories you can eat in a day - I need to get a scale though - I don't know how much I way - and it would be cool to have a calorie counter - heart rate monitor to see how much I am really burning but I will just guesstimate and use google to get average numbers.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wedensday 6pm Flow - Verena

WHOA!! Challenging. I really like her. This was a tough class. My quads were killing!!! She blended a bunch of poses into one.. flowed them??? And then for the left side we had to reverse the order. I don't know all the names but it was insane! In reality it was much too difficult and probably intimidating for most of the students in the class - but that is because they are used to having Katherine and she builds quite logically and slowly. Verena is a very strong and amazing yogi but I think she needs to cater to who is in her class more. I had fun. I have no complaints but I could see some people getting frustrated, especially the new students.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday 6pm Jazz with MOE!! Last to start first to finish

I didn't want to go but I had fun when I got there. I didn't try 100% I was pooped! We did a dance to a Poker Face cover.

We did across the floor. I liked this one:
2 step jete, step pivot, 2 step jete mirror leg, piques.. I think I will do this tomorrow in class. Maybe I will do all three ATFs with the seniors tomorrow!

I am tired.. later! I have totally slacked on writing.. and getting important stuff done.. I will do better next time!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Saturday and Sunday Groove Street

I danced all weekend - I missed Halloween - but I had a good weekend of dance. Cara, Kelly, Twigg and I all participated - and that teacher from Kelowna was back.. she was nice. I don't feel like writing... but it was good and I am not hurting as much as I thought I would be.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday 6pm Hot Yoges with Christine

I had a really good class today. I think it was because I was so tired I couldn't think too much - I just did what I was told. I stood center front. I could hear her good. I did everything. It was just a great class. I thought about making a video of the magic doorway. Where the drama floats away in clouds or balloons.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday 6 Contemporary Jazz with MOE!

Fun class - I felt a little rusty. It has been a rough month being sick off and on.. it felt good to dance but it was a little bit of a struggle. I gotta get back into the swing of things!

Monday 7:45 Hip Hop with Moe - THRILLER

Shirley and her daughter Lisa came - as did Laurie. It was a fun class. I am going to teach it to the kids tomorrow :) K.. pooped.. BED!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday 12:00 Street Jazz - Katie - Danger Hand

A dance with one arm with super powers and you just can't believe it. I had fun. I enjoyed her style and her class. Keli bought hammer pants from her!!

Keli and I went for sushi and talked after.. that was awesome.. we laughed a lot. YAY!!

Friday 10:30 Contemporary - Justine - It's her birthday

We did a lot of rolling on the ground - as usual. The class was full because there was no Barbara class this morning. Keli was there!! YAY!! I know how my kids feel when I go to fast and they can't get it.. cause that was me. I learned that! I had fun but I struggled. If I took this class all the time I would be use to her style but I don't and it is a challenge for me.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

4pm Hot with Katherine - Awesome Class - Awesome Day :)

I had my spare last block so I left early, got some costumes, and got to go to the 4pm yoga with Katherine. She is my favourite teacher. She is amazing. She makes me try hard and relax? She makes me relax my toes a lot - that is for sure :) The class was full of new students and she worked really well with them to get them through their first class with ease. She even held the door open to cool them off a bit. I thought that was nice. There was a new, older lady in Angela's class last time and she looked like she was going to puke, she was crying, and Angela wouldn't let her out of the room.. when she did I made sure Ayumi- who was beside me - followed her out to make sure she didn't pass out in the bathroom by herself. Anywho - we are all learning everyday and I am sure Angela thought about that after that class and I hope she would do differently next time.

Triangle: knee back, toes relaxed, tip hips under

OK- I am going to eat!! I am glad I am happy again!! YAY!!! I control me!! (Sometimes me controls me.. and I can't control me.. but I try!!! YAY HORMONES!!)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday 8am Hot with Christine

You know what I think the fitness of the future will be? It will be to do with your mental health. The instructor will be able to listen to what you are really thinking during the class and they will be able to guide you through those roadblocks and negative feelings. I would love to be able to download my brain and remember all the crap I was really thinking about instead of focusing. My performance would increase if I could focus and stop worrying about the little? things. It isn't funny that I feel alone and that I feel as though I have failed the subject of relationships. I am a strong independent woman but not by choice except for the fact that I refuse to settle. I am sick of being alone. I am lonely and sad and I can't hold on much longer. I cried when the lights were out.. I just can't believe that I am this much of a failure. That is what makes me run away. That's all. I had a good class besides all these negative thoughts. I am crying now when I write.. fuck... maybe it is just PMS. I gotta go to the doctor and get these pills changed cause they make me so emotional.

I am a strong independent woman. I am a good person. Someone will love me one day and I will wish I was alone!! hahahaha! Just trying to make a joke of it..

Thursday, October 15, 2009

6pm Hot Yoga with Angela - Ms. J Challenge

OK.. The Ms. J Challenge: When the kids have their journals I will go up to them individually and give them individual challenges and I am starting with Staci: Her challenge is going to be to try to focus for longer periods of time during the class.

Now, about yoga class. I was good until the back extension exercises then I was too hot. I had to lay there and just move my head from side to side. I did most of the next set but I didn't do the back bend. I was so hot!! hahaha! It was my first time back since I have been sick.. maybe I was just hotter myself... no.. a lot of people left before the namaste. It was hot!

Anywho.. I did it and I am happy now! YEAH!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday 6pm Flow with Katherine!! She won second of in the Voctoria Marathon last weekend!! WOO HOO!!! She is my hero!

Self doubt- something that we all have. She spoke of this at the beginning of the class when she told us about her awesome success this past weekend - second place in the Victoria Marathon. WOW! She said she would pass people that she knew were better than her and she did not believe that she was good enough to be able to do that. She ran it in 2:47. Her goal was 2:50. That is so awesome! That is amazing!!

Class was awesome. We did handstands again. My partner was Rachel. She is from Calgary and doesn't go back till December. It is nice to meet people that are friendly here and she was super nice! YEAH!

I did an awesome hand stand against the wall and Katherine saw it. I used my fingers to grip and kept my pelvis in alignment and I balanced without the wall!! YEAH! (I was practicing at school ;)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday 5:30 Street Jazz - Joanne - pregnant!!!!

WOW!!! I missed this class. I haven't been to it .. in over a year??? Anywho, I am going to go to this class every Tuesday. I love her choreography. I have to get bigger and sharper.. but it was so much cardio and strength that I was almost out of breath. I was dripping with sweat and red and the class is only an hour. But it is go go go!!

I had a pretty lazy weekend -finished sitting, sleeping and being sick! Ms. Happy Johnson is back!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wednesday, 6:30 Hip Hop - Alex - (Annemarie? Get it like this.. do it like this?)

Sometimes if I change where I stand or put on my sweater for the last dance.. I lose it! Why is that? I need to make myself change things more often.. mix it up and fix it up!

anywho - fun class. Harj said he liked my tattoo.

I danced in my socks! My new shoes are not slippery - not good for turning. It was fun dancing in my socks.

Go big, dance for yourself, get out of the mirror - these were some of Alex's comments.

It's good to be back to my normal routine after being sick!! YEAH! I can deal with 3 days of feeling bad.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturday 1pm Hip Hop Fundamentals - funtobemental? - Kim Sato

You're a jerk!
HAHAHA.. Keli was there!! YEAH! I was going to take MOe's class but I got talked into switching to this one.

We learned the yes - up knee out
the jerk - backwards running manish
the shamrock - step pivot step pop
the steve martin - 3 big knee up walks kick back and rotate around bringing knee up

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thursday 6pm Hot Yoga - Christine - End of October

Mantra - End of October - I will be beautiful. Whenever I have stupid thoughts I repeat this in my head. Am I crazy? No. This is a good way to make me stop thinking about it.

I felt very calm in class today because Christine's voice is calming. She also kept reminding us to relax our shoulders.

My face is still red. It was a good class for me. I did every posture. I felt good. (minus my stupid fat brain - end of October I will be beautiful)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

6pm Flow - Katherine - ***Warm-up ideas***

Please stop looking sideways in the mirror and thinking you are fat! I am fat though! When did this happen??? End of October.. give yourself till the end of October. This is just your summer relaxed body - you will be back to fit Paula soon. Stop drinking pop and eating junk! OK? OK?

Now, the goods on the class. I like taking flow once in a while. I like the core work. I do not like ohming and I do not ohm. But I close my eyes and think about my core and sitting up tall until they are done.

Warm-up ideas:
**High plank to low plank to high plank to low plank to high plank to downward dog.
**Tuck toes under and kneel - hands in prayer - sit and breathe - really stretches out the toes.. 6 breaths was enough.
**Cow face pose (Gomukhasana) twist 360 to do the other side.. keep feet where they are and walk hands around left
**abs: laying on back - legs 90 - heels to sky - toes spread - lift hips - lift shoulders - squeeze in tummy - release and repeat.
**abs: laying on back - hands by side - legs go down 2 degrees - repeat till hovering above ground - look at toes - wiggle and return and repeat.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

6:40 Ballet with Eva - she is so smiley!

I wanted to take street jazz today - but we had a staff meeting and the teacher that was going to watch dance team practice left after that instead of watching practice. Oh well. I went to ballet - and I had a good class. (except for I am FAT! - Shut up!! hahaha!) I like Eva because she is so smiley. She also goes over each exercise twice - nice and slowly and she gives good corrections. Today's theme for the class was get on top of your leg and most exercises were meant to challenge this theme. My correction as I left class was I did the same arms for the left side that I did for the right side in my grand allegro.. I didn't even notice I did that. I will watch that next time :)

Monday - 12pm Ballet with Danielle - Riendeau and Leah were there too!! YEAH!

This was my first ballet class... in a long time! I had a great class. It was over quick. Keli and Leah were in class - that made it more fun. I think I will take the Tuesday class too - time to get back into dance shape! Danielle's favourite is frappe and she liked the petit allegro. I hated the adage - a lot of holding in second!!! YUCK! I miss Arah Brewer adages! Weird - saw her on the street and had a chat with her on Sunday. Anywho - it was good to be back in class :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wednesday 6:30 Hip Hop - Alex - Leah the Aussie came to class!!

So, I met this crew of Australians at the Met on Friday night. One girl is a dancer and I was telling her all about Harbour and we said we would go together and she was there! YEAH! We are going to ballet together on Monday too! WOO HOO! New dance friends are cool!

Alex was funny as usual. It was the same routine he taught last week - he tends to do this. I think I will go to his class every second week. I have been switching it up going to yoga and dance on different days - keep things fresh.

Good class. I got the routine. I was sweating. I had fun. I can't remember the song or any of the lyrics. I would have remembered more.. I know I had more to say - but last night my internet wasn't working at home. ??? It was sleepy time anyways!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

6pm Hot - Verena

Day two of back to full time work and dance. No problem so far. I have been searching the internet for sofa couches or little beds for my office because I know I am going to need a nap soon!

Today's class was good. However, I did have some negative thoughts about my fat body but that will be gone again in a few weeks. Hormones. YEAH!

The lady beside me has started snoring during her throat choke postures. I don't remember her snoring before. She is really skinny. She has improved since I have last seen her in class.

I like this teacher. She is new. I think I have had her once or twice before I left for Bali. She gives good corrections.

K- bed!!! Photo day tomorrow.. 7:45am.

Monday, September 21, 2009

6-7:30 Moe's Jazz!!! YEAH!! First class back after summer!!

First - you should not eat sushi right before going to dance - best to wait till after - otherwise you will burp sushi all class. Anywho - you would think I could transfer the pizza incident to sushi - but for some reason I thought it would be different.

Anywho, class was great today. We did the normal warm-up, although there were some changes - we didn't have to do push-ups, instead we did high plank to low plank. Everything else was pretty much the same.

We didn't do across the floor!

We did choreography for an hour. I don't know what the song was but it was in 6's instead of 8's. It was intricate but not hard. I caught on easily and I felt good at the end of class. Moe said that I had really good timing... as opposed to being a bit behind normally. She attributes it to the complicated music - I attribute it to the fact that she taught it really slow and I understood what I was doing. I knew it and could get it. It felt awesome to be back in class and I can't wait till Wednesday when Keli comes to class with me!!! YEAH!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

6am PL1HH - Leo

I didn't want to go. I went. I was awake - I fell asleep really early yesterday. I have no focus in class because I keep thinking about school and planning stuff. I am choreographing MJ in my head. This may seem mean - but I thought it was really gay when Danielle did the whole prayer thing after her standing bow just cause Dan did.. or whatever his name is. I almost laughed out loud. I don't know why I think I am so cool ahahaaha.. whatever. Maybe I am just jealous? Anywho- shortly after that she smiled and it was all good.. I went back to thinking about MJ and school. I used the ... again. Next time I will remember not to. It has been a long day. I couldn't write this at school because google was down.. or something. Anywho- bed time.. FRIDAY TOMORROW!!! Woo hoo!! Sushi!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

6am PL1HH - ERIN?

This class was full!! Dan? and Tattoo girl.. can't remember names were there - old short guy that looks like the PE teacher was there too.. and this.. ok wait. I am going to stop using ... and start writing normal sentences. Today's class was awesome because this teacher is awesome. She changed things around and made some things a lot more difficult. Danielle and I agreed in the changeroom that it gets to boring if you do the same thing every morning and that it was nice this morning to have her change some things. I am doing pretty good with the sentences! I just had sushi Friday alone and I am really full. I have to bounce around in class soon. YEAH FRIDAY!

OH - ab exercise: high plank - right knee to right elbow - repeat left and repeat opposite knee to elbow. I made the kids do it in class today. Killer!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

6am PL1HH - Leo - Today felt like it should be Friday

Danielle... or Daniella.. we were both feeling the same way today - like it was grueling.. and here I am teaching the same class over and over.. three times for my kids... hahahaha.. what was I thinking.. I have two more times to go. The grade nines did really well. My finger is getting better but I am still a little numb there.. and I am still numb in the top of my right foot??? What is that about? That is two days now... maybe I am just getting used to being back at yoga? Time to teach my grade 11/12's.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

6am PL1HH - Danny

I think the friend's name is Danielle?? Daniella? anywho.. good class. I am bummed today.. well just bummed... stoked on school though!! I didn't go to hip hop at harbour now.. just tired.. and bummed.. oh well.. I can do it!! There is always someone worse off than myself!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

6am PL1HH - Patricia

First day back to school - I woke up... got ready with eyes still half closed... and went to yoges. My friend that I saw running was there! YEAH! It was a good class.. I was awake by the time I got home and now I am at school. Goal for next class? Hmmm... suck my fat tummy in!! ;)

Friday, September 4, 2009

9:30 Hot - Patricia!!

Whoa!! First full class back - I did it!!! YEAH!!! It was so humid... I didn't do everything but I did really well. I am stoked on my right hammy - she didn't hurt at all.. I think the break did her good.. and all the running that I did strengthened her. Also.. my sprained finger got lots of bending in. It is feeling a lot better and bending a lot farther. YEAH!

I was thinking - What I should do.... is to set my goals for the next class at the end of each entry and then I can write about whether or not I accomplished them. So - My goals for my next class are: 1. Don't miss any postures 2. Try not to make so many faces??? hahaha!!
That is it!! Let's see if the little actress can pull it off!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

6am PL1HH - LEO

Yeah! I finally got to go back to yoga. I have my mouth full of gauze and some gross gummy like protective band-aid - but it didn't bug me! I have been eating the advils like Morris told me.. so maybe that is why I didn't feel it!

It was good to be back in class. It was a small class. It was not that hot because Leo forgot to check the heat and it wasn't on. I was sweaty though.. and it heat up in 15 minutes.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009 - 11km Run

Hey!! I am back from Bali!! I did my first C wall run - beautiful! When I download my ipod I will post the info here... all my summer runs!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

12 PL1HH - Danny!

It was hot today. Marnie came. The girl that is always there.. the little one with the black hair.. it is her 364th class!! She is coming back for the 4 to finish her 365!!!! That is so crazy!!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

12 Flow - Erin - Moves for class

I like this class.
Here are some things I want to put in next years warm-up! (chicken pie sushi)
wheel - alternating legs and arms
abs: lay on back, legs 90, feet flexed, arms to side, bring the legs to one side then the other!
same thing with just curl tail bone then bring chest in
downward dog, plank, sun - series
leg up at back pile the hips up and rotate over.. ya!! Those will kill the kids!! WHOO HOOO!! i can't wait to make next years warm-up!! They are in trouble!!!

Marnie came to class again - yeah!! I love having a partner in crime in class :)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

4pm Hot and 6pm Yin with Patricia - UM - DEATHLY HOT!

hehehehe!!! The hot yoga class today was HOT! It was packed too which made it even hotter. I needed encouragement from Patricia to stand up again - I was HOT! Danielle - tall tattoo girl was there and she was struggling too - although she has a good excuse - it was her birthday yesterday and she .. well she believes in birthday week - so she was struggling from the drinking too. Anywho - it was rough and I am glad to have survived. The Yin after was nice. I was definitely warmed up for it. I stood under the cold shower before I went to that class though. Marnie came to Yin.. so it was fun to have someone to chat with before class. It was her first yin class. I am jealous of her flexible hips!!! GRRR!!! hehehehe!!

K.. going to get my FOOD: YOPO's Curry Samosas - which I have never tried before and Curry beef fried rice... and I am going to get a slurpee too!!! YEAH!!!

Run Goal: Fast 2km

I walked down to the C wall - set my nike+ to 2km and tried to run fast. I was winded at the end.. and you can see I really slowed down at the end.. maybe I should have tried to pace myself at the beginning. I prefer to run long and slow. I am not hurting at all though - which happens after the long runs. I should do more of these short runs... I have joined a challenge for fast 2kms and fast 6kms... on the nikeplus site. I am not winning but there are people who are the same as me.. so that is cool.

Friday, June 26, 2009

4pm Hot Yoga - Verena - Dan's 120th class!!! Congratulations!

This was the first time I had this teacher. She is new. She said it was her third class. She was very hands on, she gave good insight, she gave you things to think about - the only thing is... she has to watch the time. I liked her. She gave me a fresh start.

Marnie came to class today! YEAH! She is going to come to the Yin tomorrow and the Flow Sunday... it will be a Marnie weekend:)

It was really hot today. I had to sit out of one exercise.

My left upper intercostals are hurting a bit. I want to watch that - thems surfing muscles!!!

6am PL1HH - Danny - MJ, Farrah, my tongue ring, and my salvacious cyst

This morning I got up and did yoga for the losses of yesterday. Wow - that was gay... but really - what a day yesterday! I can't believe it.

This morning's class was good. It is hard to get back into the habit after having such a non-yoga week. This was my second class this week!!! I hate that! Sometimes you can't help it though. I have three little stiches on the back of my arm which pulled in some exerices so I just didn't do that arm - which was a challenge in itself. Luckily I heal fast and they won't be a problem for long.

We did the plank at the end. I cheated when I thought he wasn't looking - and got caught.. I never do that.. but I tried really hard until I couldn't squeeze anymore.. so whatever - I exerted myself! In reality though, I could have held on. I am going to yoga this afternoon with Marnie - and that will be my goal: I will not leave the posture until the teacher says change not matter what my head tries to tell me.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

6am PL1HH - Danny - First yoga class in 4 days!

I hadn't been to yoga since last Friday and I could sure feel the difference. I partied on Saturday night and recovery was slow! I am glad to be feeling back to normal now... and I am looking forward to getting a lot of classes - both dance and yoga - and runs in before I go to Bali.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

1pm Jazz with MOE!!! Same as Monday!!

I love same as Monday - because I can do things... better! I had run in this class. What did I think about??? Wait... planning your day is like an airplane itinerary. You don't have to think about it once it is done... you just go.. take the next flight.. get off.. get on the next flight.. I sign in.. go to one class.. then leave go upstairs to the other.. I almost walked home.. and didn't go.. but once I got in there I was fine.. I don't know.. I was feeling a little lazy today... but all good now!!

12 Hip Hop - Shauna - WE did the STANKY LEG!

What more can I say.. ??? I won't be running back to this class.

Friday, June 19, 2009

6am PL1HH - Patricia

I was slippery again today. I moisturized last night - and paid the price slipping all over today. Oh well. I used my face cloth a lot to try to solve my problem - but that is cheating.. whatever. It is FRIDAY!

I want to learn the downward dog transitions with the leg up. I must ask Patricia about that next time.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


YEAH!!! I finally got to go to yoga with ema!! It was so awesome to have her beside me. What a great morning. My stiches didn't hurt that much.. I didn't do half moon fully - all good! Thanks for the awesome, super-stick band-aids mom!

Ema did awesome in class. She said she felt a bit woozy towards the end but that is just getting used to the heat. She didn't miss any exercises!! She rocked it!! High kicks for Ema!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

6am PL1HH - Danny

I moisturized last night after I scrubbed the black off my feet. I was slip sliding today. I had to cheat and use my towel. When I slip it makes me smile.

My quads were tired today. We must have done something in ballet .. can't think of what right now. My neck is sore too - from Jazz - whipping it around at the end of that combo. Not as bad as Sr. Hip Hop in their mental asylum dance. Dance messes me up and yoga straightens me back out.. I wish I would have known about yoga when I was younger.. I think I could have avoided a lot of problems or pain!

Ema is coming to yoga tomorrow morning. I got her the form to fill out so we will be ready to go in the morning.

That new girl touched her heals! YEAH!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

6:40 Ballet - Eva

Black ballet slippers make your feet black. My toe nails were too long today. I cut them as soon as I got home.. and I scrubbed my feet!! I don't want black feet for yoga tomorrow morning!!

There was a boy in class.. that hasn't been here in a while.. he is with some company.. I don't know which one. Fun to watch. We did one exercise across the floor together like a duo.. hehe.. that was cool!

I am glad I made it to ballet. I was going to go to street jazz.. but I fell asleep after school. I was tired. How am I going to make it through next year? I think I might actually take naps at school in my office.. on a lawn chaise.. while the kids have practice.. so I can still come home and do my own dance class or yoga... they can wake me up if something happens. Hmmm...

6am PL1HH - Patricia

My hips are getting better! On my right side today - I was doing:
and I got my knee down! I couldn't believe it!! Patricia said - put your forehead on the ground and I said - I just got my knee down. She said - I will give you two weeks! hehe! That is one good accomplishment today. I am tired today.

Monday, June 15, 2009

6pm Jazz with Moe!

The tall girl from New Zeland was in class today. I like having her in class - cause she is taller than me and she is smiley - it is nice to dance with people my size!! hehehe!

I had a nap before class and grabbed pizza on the way to class - that didn't make my tummy feel too good.. not going to do that again!! Grab the pizza after class!!!

It was a nice routine today - I picked it up a lot easier than the last one. It fit my body good.

My right hamstring has been achey for the last few days. It hurt on the drive home. It hurt doing jetes. I hope it stops hurting and gets better soon!! I am sick of waiting. I wish I hadn't hurt it again.. it was so good.. but I have to think.. if it got good then.. it will be good again.. if I keep trying!!

I am stoked on this week because I can go to classes that I don't usually get to go to.. because I get to leave right after work. (That is how I scored the nap today!)

6am PL1HH - Patricia

I don't know if she meant to or not.. but we didn't do the ukatasana?? akward with feet together and hands in prayer and twist and extend arms.. yeah!! I wasn't going to say ANYTHING.. cause I did too many of those with Erin yesterday!!

After pigeon (the hip one) the hip raise one or wheel then plow?? Legs over head one.. I am starting to learn the names... then we did spine twist and done!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

12 FLow - Erin - Marnie came to this class!

Man o man!! I was so sweaty!! You'd think I sweat it all out in the first class this morning!?? !!! But no.. this Johnson had way more to give. I am going out by my pool now. All I have to say about this class.. is I really like this teacher and I want to get better at these moves. They are strengthening for my body and mind.. and real test to the absorption capabilities of my towel.. and clothes!!! I also forgot my hair band.. so I had drippy bang annoyingness!!!


8am Hot - Heather - Dunn dunn dunn dunn dunn.. I dunn it all!

I woke up - and I was stiff in my left knee from my long run yesterday - so I decided to skip the run and go to a hot yoga. I woke up at 7:30 and class is at 8.. so why not?

I focused on my pelvic alignment all class. I realized the last class I took that my back doesn't hurt in the back bend if I tuck my pelvis under and go up before I go back. Pelvic alignment has always been a ballet problem of mine. I found focusing on one goal instead of 3 or 4 in the class a lot easier. AND the goals that I usually focus on were not neglected - they are kinda there naturally.

I thought about my "new idea" a lot too. HEHEH!! This is going to be good.

I also thought about Bali a lot. Maybe I won't get a yoga pass there. Maybe I will just run and surf? I am doing enough yoga now to last me two months!! It will be nice to take a break?? I can always just drop in and pay for each class I take. Or - I can buy ten classes and .. if I don't use them.. oh well. But..I won't get 20 like my first plan.. but 10 - that is not that many.. 1 class a week.. and a couple of weeks with 2 classes.. that is good! Anywho..I will keep thinking about it .. and decide later!!!

I just watched this... my favourite SYTYCD from last week:

Saturday, June 13, 2009

6pm YIN yoges - Patricia

The tall tattoo girl was there today.. tomorrow will be her 120th class!! That is crazy!! I am going to go to that class!

There was a new girl there today.. and she was really flexible. REALLY FLEXIBLE. I have to say .. I was envious. I want to be like that. I am going to keep trying!!

We did a lot of hip opening postures which I suck at. We also did the frog and reaching forward in the center splits.. which I am good at.. so it evened out. I wish my hamstring was back to its normal flexibility. That is just going to take time. I did it before... I can do it again!

New Running Goal - SPEED!!

C WALL!!! I had the best idea today!!!

I am not going to say what it is... but I am going to make it happen!! Wait... anticipate...

AWESOME RUN today.. I ran from Yaletown around the C wall all the way.. to Crab park and through Gastown to Richards street.. then I walked from there home!!! SWEATY!!!

I accomplished my goal today:

Friday, June 12, 2009

6am PL1HH-Patricia - Teacher class!!!

Today we had Danny and Heather take class. That was cool. I had more to write.. I have lots to write when I am in the class.. but now it is hours later. I am pooped.. I need a nap. Weekend entries will be more thorough. I wish I could just download my brain from the class.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

6am PL1HH - Leo!

I stood at the front, center - right beside Leo today. He asked what we did yesterday on the floor and I couldn't remember. My mind was too asleep. Then.. after discussing with my fellow yogi - we realized it was plank - which is good.. because then he wouldn't do plank again - and he usually does plank for like five minutes!!

I played water the flower again!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

6:30 Hip Hop - Alex - Erykah Badu... what song??? The Healer!!!

The class before Alex's class - the new hip hop 1/2 that starts at 5:30 - that choreo looked so fun!!! I am SO taking that class next week.. maybe I will stay and take both??? Maybe. That would be sweat city.. but I guess if you are already sweaty.. who cares?

Today's class was good. I love Erykah Badu but I don't have this song. I am trying to find it now:) It was good to get back to hip hop. I feel good. I am looking forward to trying the new class on Saturday at 12.

The song is The Healer!

6am PL1HH - Danny - He does things a little bit differently - but all good!

It was a good class. Danny leads the class a little bit differently than Patricia. I have to pay attention and make sure I am listening and not just going with what I think is coming next. It was all good :)

I forgot to write... the water the flower game!!! hahaha!! When I do that hip stetch at the end.. I drip sweat.. and I try to drip on the flower at the top of the frog towel.hehehe!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

6am PL1HH - Patricia - I feel good! Tired.. but good.

Yeah! Patricia is back and feeling better. She obviously teaches the class the best because she is the one who created this series. There is a nice flow from one posture to another.

The class was really busy today.

In half moon bending to my right is still crunchy - maybe just morning crunchy though. I was morning crunchy for a lot of things today. I am still hoping that my morning flexibility will improve my doing yoga so much in the morning. The verdict is still out on that opinion.

My quads were tired today.. and yesterday too.

I came out of both of my first standing bows early. Just tired and lazy I guess. I will not do that again tomorrow. My transitions were good though.

My hip stretch at the end - I have to make sure that my knee is aligned with my hip -great.. just when I thought I was getting lower - she makes it harder!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

6am PL1HH - Camille - My most gruelling one hour ever!

Today was a tough class. I woke up hot. I closed my window last night because there was a truck vibrating outside of 711 at 11:30!!! And, I was too lazy to get up and turn on the fan.. I should have done that. I tossed and turned all night because I napped during the day!! I did that last Sunday too!! So, I had a fitful sleep and woke up sleepy.

The class was quite busy for a Monday morning. The usual suspects were there except for tall tattoo girl. I think she is on a business trip in SF. That is what I have overheard in the change room. I still don't know the other girls name.

Camille taught a good class. She is funny. Patricia is sick and she has been covering her classes. My back was still super crunchy from her killer Yin class on Saturday. I really wish I had a daily massage!! Hey.. Bali is coming up.. cheap massages!! I am going to get a million of them!! That will be my evening entertainment!!

OH YA!! My new yoga shorts ROCK!! Even the girl whose name I don't know commented on them this morning. YEAH! I love them. I don't know why I didn't get new stuff earlier. It makes class so much easier when you are wearing good gear that you don't have to adjust! I can't believe I am such a lululemoner!! I will never go back!

OK.. back to work! Mom's birthday today!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!! I LOVE YOU!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

8am Hot - Heather - Crunchy and Hot

Heather is so nice and pretty and good. She guides the class very well. Her voice is clear and she raises it when we should be pushing that extra bit - which works! She is just a good teacher.

My goals for this class were: stay in the room, stay in the postures, count my breaths in savasana to keep my focus, and take small sips of water.

Stay in the room: I did this one.

Stay in the posters: I had problems at the end with my upper right back - so some of those I came out early. I think this had to do with two things: Yin last night and it being first thing in the morning.

Count my breaths in savasana: It took me a while to remember that this was my goal.. and I was thinking about other stuff at first.. what was I thinking about?? Bali... intercostals.. what exercises can I do to make sure that they don't hurt me again this trip.. and what not to do in the water.. I should look that up now...

Take small sips of water: I failed this one. It was hot and I was thirsty!!

Alex Wongathon!!

ok one more... she is BEAUTIFUL!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

4pm Hot - Camille and 6pm Yin - Camille - HOT and OUCH!

This video is AWESOME!! It is Alex Wong from Vancouver - he is backstage for the ballet of Don Quixote - doing a Beyonce video dance - perfectly!!! hahahaha!!

The hot class was HOT!!! I tried to stay standing .. but I was dripping. I could hear the drips of sweat fall into the pool on my towel.. plop plop plop!! No kidding.. and I am deaf!!! Anywho. I had to lay down and take a few breathers. I left at the savasana to refill my water. I wasn't the only one. We had a little conversation about heat and then pepped ourselves back up to go back in. Camille turned the fans on towards the end. That was NICE! I wish she would have done it sooner!!

The YIN class was focused on opening up the back. I found most of my ache in my upper right side. AT one point.. when we unfolded ourselves.. It took a long time to feel normal again... and relax into a laying position. I have to do this class more often!!

6.94km - 34:28 - 4:57min/km Double Bridge Run

I ran into Wren on my run. (FH teacher) She was running.. or done running with her friend Chris. She has started a beginner's running club at school. She lives in Strathcona. I like Wren. I met her on the Granville island side of the C wall by the Canada Goose poop!

I felt like I ran well today. I was hoping for sun but there was nothing but cloud. It is warm though and not raining.. so I can't complain.

I wonder how fast a good km is? google... I think I need to run faster. That should be my new goal. I just take it easy. I will work on that.

Friday, June 5, 2009

6am PL1HH - Leo!

Leo did a great job today - I got a high five on my way outside! He didn't forget any postures and did everything in the right order. Ayumi came today. She is the teacher who came in on Wednesday morning and saved the day. (For those who don't have to work in Surrey!)

Good class. I was totally asleep walking to yoga. I had to triple blink my eyes to see through the crusties!! hahaha.. gross. Some kid was laughing at me as he walked by. Oh well :)

Leo made us do the plank and into dolphin - in repetition - I didn't know what a dolphin was before this. It seems to be a downward dog on your elbows. Maybe I can find a picture of this.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

6am PL1HH - Leo

It was a good class today. Didn't get to take class yesterday because no one showed up to open the door!! It was supposed to be Camille but I heard that Ayumi came in and they started a class at 6:30. It was good that I left because I would not have been able to stay a full hour anyways.

Leo mentioned that he forgot two postures last week - and why didn't we tell him? He didn't miss any today! He did really well.

That other girl whose name I don't know was there today - and the two partners in crime that are doing 120 days... It was a good class. My hips are getting more flexible. I have been working on them hard.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

6:40 Ballet with Eva - I like this class - I am getting to know the regulars.. and becoming one myself :)

I had a great class. I love dancing in the Lulu gear. So much more comfortable.

Victor was in the jazz class before ballet! He got into to SYTYCD Canada!!! He is going to Toronto next week!!! He was going to take ballroom next. That is so awesome.. I hope he makes it far. I can't wait to see him on TV!!! I can't wait to tell the kids.. once I find out if it is a secret or not.

We did some of the same exercises as last week. That gave my brain a break. I really focused on keeping my pelvis in line - and that should improve my turnout. I had good balance today - that was nice! I am looking forward to next week! I will miss dancing this summer. I should try to get in as many classes as I can before I go.. I can do yoga and run when I am there!!


6am PL1HH - Patricia - Tee hee hee oops!! Taquitos!

2 Frog towel days in a row!! I like this!!

I stood by the mirror on the right today. It was a busy class. There were a lot of new students. I guess the news about this 1 hour hot is spreading. Theresa - one of the teachers - was in class. She is the first one that I ever took this class from.

I was sleepy this morning. I tied my hair back while walking to yoga. Patricia must not live close by because she seemed quite jealous that I could get up at 5:45 and be here. I guess it balances out though - because I have to drive to work! It is super awesome that yoga and dance are so close.

Not much to say about this class - my hips still suck but I am working on them.. and I have to not push too hard.. I don't want to hurt myself! (or scare Patricia!)

Monday, June 1, 2009

6am PL1HH - Patricia - New Frog Towel!!!

PL1HH = Patricia Lowe's One Hour Hot

Whoa... Monday morning out of it! I love sleeping in on Sunday - but I don't like Monday morning back to reality. I love the sunshine though:) I couldn't do this in the dark rain! It was a good class. Patricia did a different hip stretch - the sitting one.. Ouch!!! Wait.. I will try to find a picture.. I can't find one. Basically - you sit with one leg bent in front at 90 degrees - square - then take the other leg and put it on top - square - my top leg is way up and I put my elbow on my knee to try to push it down and hole it for like 2 mins. The goal is to have both legs flat together and lay forward with your chest on top and arms forward.. and relax your neck. I can't wait till I can do this. I decided too.. in class.. that I want to have a WHEEL OF FUN! in my classes next year.. so we can spin it.. and then whatever posture it lands on we have to sit in that posture!!! YEAH!!! so cool!! DAD.. can you build me a will of fun???

OK.. back to marking journals!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

6.69 Km - 32.58 Mins - Granville Burrard Bridge Run

Route: Granville street bridge - halfway - down those stairs along the other C wall - back up to Burrard Bridge - down Drake - past dad's tree - follow the white man to my alley.

I chose this route because I was unsure whether my right knee would hold our and I didn't want o be stuck too far away on the C wall and have a clicking, sore knee. However, my knee didn't bug me at all :) YEAH!

Thoughts: I am a leader not a follower. I am a teacher learning lessons. (gay and cheesey)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

1pm Jazz Contemporary with MOE!! (Annie Lennox - I need a MAAAAAAAN)

Good class - I almost napped through it.. but I made it.. and I got Sam's watch and I bought 20 dance classes because they go up in price on Monday! I am broke now - but I will not have to buy dance classes for a long time :)

Class was good. It is a sunny, sunny day and she was happy that we showed up. She promised we could have a slurpee after. I haven't had mine yet.. but I will :)

I wanna get to the beach- It was a good class and I am pooped.. I think I will drive to the beach :) I might write more later.

8am Hot - Christine - I forgot my usual water breaks!

Shoe thief!!

Wow - this was my second full hot of May. I have been doing Patricia Lowe's 1 hour hot series in the mornings and I have neglected the normal hots. I was worried that it was going to be grueling, but since I am feeling better I had a really pleasant class. I actually did awesome.

I tried to set three goals for my class while I was laying and waiting for the class to start. I kept thinking of more things to work on though - goals of past classes and corrections and such. The three that I pounded out were: 1. Do all the poses/ no laying down. 2. Stay in all the poses until she says change - no matter what! 3. Try my hardest throughout. Those were my main big goals. However, I really worked hard this class and I tried to fix a lot of things.

Pranyama breathing: I thought about my long neck, shoulders relaxed and will I ever be able to get my elbows up right beside my head?

Half Moon Pose: I tried not to make the wrinkles in my side the first set. Christine reminded us to use opposite grip for the second set and I went down real low the second time. I have a crynchy part in my left side when I go down to the right. I winder if it is just in the morning? I still can't straighten my legs when I go forward.. and I know that is only in the morning. I wonder if Patricia was right in her theory that if you stretch in the morning when you are crunchy you are actually increasing your overall flexibility more?

Awkward pose: I really wanted to come out of the one on the toes - but I held it the first one.. and the second time - I came up a bit.. but not all the way until she said change... I had to remember my goal!!

Standing head to knee: I was worried that I wouldn't be able to do this one.. because it is isn't in the PL1HH class - but I got it. I just kept thinking - suck in my stomach and kick out my heel.

Standing Bow: I stayed in both times - that is the challenge with this one. My tattoo leg was slippery and I left grip marks on my leg.

Balancing stick: oh ya... back muscles.. suck stomach in.

Standing separate leg: Right hamstring.. work work work..I want you to be flexible again. I want to have my hips straight and my head on the floor.. again.. I think I would be able to in the evening. I need to take an evening class.

Triangle: tuck bum in, suck stomach in, reach and don't collapse on supporting side

Standing separate leg head to knee: again.. my right hamstring bumming me out. On the right side I had to bend my knee. Even my left side I felt a bit crunchy. Again - this one is not in the PL1HH class.

That is all I feel like writing.. I was going to do the whole class.. but my bum is going numb!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Patricia's 6am 1 Hour Hot - No block for my hip!

That girl I met on the street the other day was in class this morning - I got her name this time - Shannon. There was another girl there too - that is always there... I don't know her name - but we are going to take the 8am hot tomorrow. She is nice. I will learn her name tomorrow :) We are scared to do the full hot because we have been doing these one hour hots all the time. I am going to bring a Gatorade treat!! That will make me happy:)

Camille was in class today (owner). She came in late and she looks like she has not taken class in a long time. I can't believe she did all that intensive Bikram training. Maybe she has an injury? It was funny - at one point - Shannon, that other girl, Camille and I were all facing the wrong way... hehehe! We had to make a quick change! Bonding moments in mistakes. ON that note.. I have to stop sticking my tongue out when I make mistakes. I did it a lot in the Saturday flow. I did it today once too. Karlie (student) started that.. it must end!

My hip stretch near the end - I didn't get the block and I have my but almost on the ground with my leg square at the front. YEAH! I was looking around at other people in the class - as I am the only one sitting straight up - and their legs are not square how they are supposed to be.. so I am happy that I am working on the correct technique - once I get it I will be able to chest down.. and I will be doing it right.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Leo's 6am 1 Hour Hot - He is new to this class - he did pretty good :)

I think Leo has only taught this class a few times. He had his cheat sheet with him. I remember when I used to write my step classes on my hand!! hahaha! He forgot to do the one where you grab your toe and carry your foot to the side and the standing bow but he added the standing bow in at the end. I thought tall, tattoo girl (weird that that kinda sounds like me too.. haha.. but it isn't .. there are two of us!) would have said something because she is always there.. (she is on class 104 - planning on doing 120 - two a day till she is done!) .. but she didn't say anything.. so I didn't say anything.. let him do his thing... maybe talking would have screwed him up more. He is so nice and funny it doesn't really matter anyways.

Anywho - it was a good class. He added a two minute plank at the end of the series and I think I was one of the only ones who held it to the end. (WE do that at school here all the time.)

I was bummed I missed Katherine's flow last night - due to traffic!!! But.. whatever.. I got to chill and watch TV with ian! yeah!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

6am 1 Hour Hot with DANNY!! Good work everybody!

I had a great class this morning. I haven't had Danny in a while. He is always so nice to me. He gives me good corrections and always tells me that I am doing good work. I love that positive reinforcement stuff!! I was trying to focus on my alignment today - maybe if I can fix it in yoga it won't be as hard to fix it in ballet? Maybe... worth a shot. He goes through the postures a little bit differently than Patricia. I like having the change. I never did finish writing out the class order. I wonder if she has copyrighted it? She should - and sell it like Bikram and make lots of money!! OK.. off to school - collaboration day - quick day!!! O ya.. and the hip stretch at the end.. I am off the box.. and the left side.. is getting so much better.. I wonder if that has anything to do with the hamstring again.. that could be the right is that much tighter... hmmmm...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

6:40 Ballet with Eva - New ballet slippers, lulu crops and top!

I totally had this barbie!!! She is looking as fresh as I was today in ballet!!
I had all new ballet gear today! It felt good. I am never wearing body suits again! The lame thing is, I still get the same correction that I have been getting my whole life. Why can't I keep my lower back from swaying? I gotta focus on that and keep it straight. It is hard to constantly focus on it though. There are so many other things I have to think about at the same time.

This class was pretty easy to follow. I think Cierra would have done a lot better at this class. Weird - because this class is a ballet 2 and the one that Cierra and I took was a ballet 1/2. I guess Danielle just teaches so many classes she gets bored so she is getting creative? I don't know.

Anywho - bed time!!!

Patricia's 6am 1 hour Hot - She did make this class! I knew it!!

My focus is to get off the box in the hip stretch - my goal is to get my hips flexible. I am going to stretch my hips every class today - when the students are doing their warm-ups - except for block E - cause we have a salsa teacher coming in.. whoo hooo!! ole!! Anywho, my nose was less snotty today and breathing is always an awesome thing any old time of day - especially during a work out. The tall girl with the tattoos is up to 100 days!! That is pretty awesome. Her buddy.. Dan??? is at 94 days - she is kicking his ass!! hehehe!! She must have been doing lots of doubles.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Rode my bike to Spanish Banks!!! SO FUN!!! WEEEEEEEE!!!

I was reluctant to ride my bike because it is down in the bike locker. I went down and brought the wrong common key. Went and got the right key and got into the cage... didn't have the bike lock key. I went back up and then the tires were flat. I walked it down to the bike shop by Urban Fare and they filled me up :) NOW!!! I was ready to go!!! WEEEEE! I forgot how fun it is to ride a bike ... especially down hill!! hehehe!! It was so great!

Jordie? 12pm Flow - Whoa - what? Huh? Partners?

Marnie came to this class! YEAH! This was the weirdest class I have ever done at this studio. Not a good one to come to when I am trying to get her to switch over. I am glad she came though.

So, why was this class weird? Well, I had never had this teacher before and I am not used to his style. He talked about ... what was it.. shining? I think that is what he called it.. all the time. Basically use resistance he later explained because I was confused by his new terminology.

We did some cool handstands and he had some people demonstrate. That girl that is always there in the morning - with the tattoos - doing the 120 day challenge did some awesome handstands! I want to be like her!! No.. I want to be like me.. but I want to do good handstands! I think I might go back to his class again.. just for that!!

Marnie was having a bad day - so I am not sure if she had the best class or if I won her over to WHY. I will try to take another class with her sometime this week - since she has the week pass - maybe Thursday :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

6pm Yin with Patricia who thinks it's funny that my hips are so tight while the rest of me is so flexy... hahahaa - I don't see the funny!!

I should take this class more often. I need to work on getting my hip more flexible - ouch - that shoelace stretch killed! hahaha! I think I will make it a new rule - when sitting on the floor at school you must sit in the shoe lace posture! It will probably be easy for most of them anyways. The picture above is the shoelace - I can't bend forward or get my knees together! I am straight up and in pain!! I want to look like her one day!!

My sinuses would get all snot sounding whenever I held my head down during the stretches - but it was not blowable. As soon as I could bring my head up it would stop. That is not fair! It made me think of blowing my nose in science class in grade nine. Supposedly I grossed out Dylan. hahaha! The things you remember because of snot! ??

Lululemon is open till 9. I want to go and get a pair of crops and tank top for my new ballet outfit- and for my flow class tomorrow - Marnie is coming!! Maybe I can switch her over to this studio - and I can have a yoga buddy again!! whoo hoo!! Game on!!

C Wall - from Yaletown to Coal Harbour

Whoa!!! It is such a nice day! My first plan was to run to second beach and just chill in the sun for a bit and then run back - which was about 12km - but I just kept running slow and steady. I had a great run. At the end my right knee was ailing me a bit and if felt like if I stopped I might not be able to start again - so I just kept going. When I was going, I was just in my own little world - thinking and smiling into the sun. I didn't even feel like I was running because I was just in the zone. I love running. I love Vancouver. I love sun!!! You don't know what you can do until you try... capiche?